
We appreciate you!

Birmingham Primary School highly appreciates the involvement of parents and friends.

A unified School Community collaborates to create and nurture a dynamic learning environment for the students.

We enthusiastically invite support in various capacities:

  • Classroom helpers
  • Canteen helpers
  • Participation in grade and/or year level events (such as excursions, camps, etc)
  • Participation in our Community Building Team
  • Assisting the Community Building Team in school events (such as working-bees, Christmas carols, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day events, etc)
  • Second hand uniform shop helpers
  • Library helpers

All parent helpers must have a valid Working with Children Check and provide a copy to our school office.

We are well aware that some parents are more able to help than others, and we would never ask that you move heaven-and-earth in your own life – or the life of your family – to avail yourself to our regular timetables or occasional requests.

We value and appreciate any parental involvement that you can offer.

Student using a laptop